Premeditated Leftovers

How to Grow Spicy Jalapenos

If you want to try growing jalapenos in your garden, this guide on how to grow jalapenos will help you with every step from planting to harvest.

Let’s get started!

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How to Grow Spicy Jalapenos


Whether you are a fan of homemade salsa or just love to add a little spice to your food, jalapenos are the way to go.

Growing your own jalapenos is quite easy, you just need to keep a few growing tips in mind. If you are considering growing a salsa garden, or just want to add jalapenos to your garden line up, consider these tips on how to grow jalapenos!

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Starting jalapenos from seed is an option for those who are in an area with a short growing season. You can plant jalapenos from seed in indoor peat pots using nutrient-rich soil and the aid of a sun lamp. 

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How to Start Jalapenos from Seed


Once your seeds have matured to seedlings, or if you choose to plant from nursery-bought seedlings, you will want to make sure your outdoor conditions are prime for planting.

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When to Plant Jalapenos Seedlings


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How to Grow Spicy Jalapenos