This seasonal produce chart will help you save money by buying fruit and vegetables when they are most affordable. One of the easiest ways to save on groceries is purchasing produce that is in season. When you go to the grocery store, you will typically find some produce that is in season and some thatRead More
101 Ways to Save a Dollar a Day
Here are 101 ways to save a dollar a day. Check out the list and see if you can use some of these ideas each day to start saving money. Do you think it is impossible to save money? Perhaps no matter how hard you try, you feel like you can just never get ahead.Read More
How to Save Money By Weighing Your Produce
As food prices go up, you can make the most of your grocery budget by weighing your produce. Just because a bag of fruit says it is one pound, does not mean it is. Here is how to save money by weighing your produce. It seems as though most people avoid scales whenever possible, right?Read More
10 Easy Ways to Save Money on Groceries Without Using Coupons
Don’t have time for clipping coupons? Here are 10 easy ways to save money on groceries without using coupons. We all want to save money at the market, but many of us don’t have time to be extreme couponers and need simple ways to save. In this post, you will find 10 ways to saveRead More
What to Buy in August
Save money on needed household items by using this list of what to buy in August. These are items that you can find on sale, clearance, or markdown. With August approaching, the temps, as well as the deals, are sure to be hot. If you want to start planning your August strategy now, take aRead More
How to Eat Organic on a Budget
Eating organic on a budget may seem daunting, but it is easier than you’d think. These tips will help you save money on organic food! If feeding your family healthy food is a priority for you, then you have probably already started thinking about organics. Organic foods are grown with fewer pesticides, fewer chemicals, andRead More
How to Start Couponing
If you want to start using coupons, these tips on how to start couponing will help you start saving faster! With the economy on a rough side, lots of people are turning to couponing. Couponing is a fantastic way to save your family money. You can use the money that you save from couponingRead More
How to Save Money on Coffee
Your coffee habit doesn’t have to be expensive! Here are some tips on how to save money on coffee. I love my morning cup of coffee. I don’t love how expensive it can be to pick up a cup at a drive-through, so I make it at home. While making coffee at home is aRead More
Tips to Get More From Your Money
Download the free eBook Get More From Your Money to discover 140 budgeting tips to help you find areas to cut expenses and save money faster. Wouldn’t you love to have more money left over at the end of the month? To look at your budget and see every bill paid, with extra money to spareRead More
Tips for Saving Money on Holiday Gifts
These tips for saving money on holiday gifts will help you stick to your budget this year. Last year American families spent an average of $700.00 on Christmas gifts. If you were one of those families, I’m going to try to help you lower your expenses this year with these tips for saving money onRead More
How to Find the Best Deals on Black Friday
If you want to maximize your Black Friday savings, you need to go in with a plan. Here’s how to find the best deals on Black Friday. Ahh..the shopping season is just around the corner and that means after you are stuffed on stuffing and turkey, it’s time to hit up the store aisles forRead More
How to Save Money with Amazon Prime
You may be wondering if an Amazon Prime membership is worth the cost, but if you know how to use it, it can pay for itself. Here’s how to save money with amazon prime. If you frequent, you may have noticed a service called “Amazon Prime.” For $12.99 a month, you can become aRead More
25 Healthy Foods for Under a Dollar a Serving
Here is a list of healthy foods for under a dollar to help you feed your family nutritious meals without spending a lot of money: There is a common misconception that in order to feed your family healthy food, you need to spend a lot of money. You might be surprised to hear that feedingRead More
What to Buy at the Dollar Stores and What to Skip
These tips on what to buy at dollar stores and what to skip will help you find the best bargains. Dollar Stores are a bargain lover’s paradise. You can find just about every department in a big box store on a smaller scale and comb for good bargain after good bargain. I love to hitRead More
How to Maximize Savings by Stacking Coupons
Coupon stacking can bring huge savings on essential items if you know how to do it! Here’s how to maximize your grocery savings by stacking coupons. When you are learning to extreme coupon there are many terms you will learn that will be beneficial to your ultimate savings and How To Maximize Savings By StackingRead More
10 Things You Should Never Pay Full Price For
You can save a lot of money by skipping a few full price items. Here are 10 things you should never pay full price for. Some things in life should be free or at least really low cost. When you start living frugally, you will find yourself almost addicted to saving wherever you can. ItRead More
Buy This, Not That: Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget
You can save big on groceries by replacing a few items with cheaper alternatives. Check out these tips for grocery shopping on a budget. You may or may not have heard of the book series, “Eat This, Not That”, but this is a spin-off idea for it. I wanted to compile a list of itemsRead More
What to Buy at Warehouse Stores
If you want to get the most from your warehouse membership, here is what to buy at warehouse stores. Shopping at warehouse stores like Sam’s Club or Costco allows you to easily stock up on items your family uses. If you know what to purchase and what not to purchase you can save a goodRead More
Top Myths About Coupons – Busted!
I was in your boat about 2 years ago. I was so full of excuses on why couponing was not for me. I watched “Extreme Couponers” and dreamed of saving money like they do, but thought they were a tad on the crazy side. I decided to give it a try. I don’t know why,Read More
How to Dice and Freeze Bell Peppers
Below are tips for how to dice and freeze bell peppers that will help you make quick work of the project. How to Dice and Freeze Bell Peppers Bell peppers are in season which means they are available for great prices at the stores and might even be available for free from your garden. TakeRead More