Autumn Inspired Chocolate Leaves
Recipe type: Candy
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Serves: 36
  • Leaf silicone mold
  • Decorating bags
  • Yellow Candy Melts
  • Green Candy Melts
  • Orange Candy Melts
  • Almond extract (optional)
  1. Place ½ cup of each colored chocolate melts into three separate microwave safe dishes, heat on 50% power for 2-3 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds until melted. Make sure to check and stir every 30 seconds so they don't scorch.
  2. Add a ½ teaspoon of almond extract to each dish and stir. If you prefer another flavor, you can add this instead. Cinnamon would be great!
  3. Scoop your chocolates into three separate decorating bags and cut a small tip off the end of each one.
  4. Squeeze your melted chocolate into each mold and use a toothpick to push your chocolate into the tighter spaces like the stems.
  5. Freeze for about 15 minutes, then carefully press up on the bottom of the leaf shapes to pop them out.
Recipe by Premeditated Leftovers™ at