Maggie of Family Frugal Fun is sharing 2o frugal ways you can use Almond oil. Most of her uses are for Sweet almond Oil, but she says you can substitute Bitter Almond Oil if you wish. Her uses for Almond oil include beauty treatments and home remedies. Did you know that nearly half of the composition of almondsRead More
Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches
It never fails. You have a deadline you are trying to meet, a parent-teacher conference or a long drive home in traffic and you are suddenly struck with a nagging headache. Life doesn’t seem to want to stop just because of the pounding in your head. Whether only get the occasional headache or suffer fromRead More
30 Frugal Uses for Witch Hazel
Maggie of Family Frugal Fun is sharing 3o frugal ways you can use witch hazel. Her uses for witch hazel include beauty treatments, medicinal uses, and even a few cleaning tips. There are so many uses for witch hazel. Witch hazel is a frugal, all-natural folk remedy that has been used for centuries. Witch hazel isRead More
Natural Ways to Help Clear a Stuffy Nose
It is almost here: cold and flu season. The time for many of us to celebrate the holidays and spend time with our loved ones can also be a time of struggling with coughing, sneezing, and congestion. The latter can be the worst – it’s hard to talk, eat, or even breath with a cloggedRead More
Homemade Sunscreen Recipes
I try to be very careful about what I put on my kid’s skin. I prefer to use clothing and hats to provide protection from the sun, but that is not always enough. With ever-changing guidelines about what sunscreen ingredients are safe, it just seems easier to me to make homemade sunscreen rather than tryingRead More