Couponing is undoubtedly one of the biggest ways a person can save money. When you are starting to coupon, or even if you are a seasoned couponer, you might be making some mistakes that are slowing you down or not allowing you to maximize your savings. Here’s a list of couponing mistakes and how toRead More
5 Ways to Save Money at a Farmers’ Market
Spring means it is time to round up the family, grab your shopping bags, and make a trip to your local farmers market! Farmers markets are a great place to buy produce grown by local farmers, as well as fresh baked breads, plants, and other handmade or homegrown products. While you might think natural productsRead More
How To Use Your Freezer to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill
Your freezer is the key part of your kitchen when it comes to saving money. It may seem like it is an ordinary part of your fridge, but if used wisely, you can use your freezer to save money on groceries. Below are ways that you can optimize the use of your freezer. How ToRead More
How To Save Money on Holiday Baking Supplies
I am so excited that the holiday baking season is here. I may not be as good at baking as I wish I was, but I still love to try! I have my stand-by recipes that I do make every year because I have spent years perfecting them. One thing about baking, especially if youRead More