It’s important to have an emergency fund, but it’s hard to save when money is tight. Here’s how to create an emergency fund on a shoestring budget. Having savings for emergencies is extremely important for anyone. However, creating an emergency fund can present a challenge when you are on a tight budget. The problem is, havingRead More
5 Clever Ways to Create Extra Money for Your Savings
There are some easy and painless ways to put money away even when things are tight. Check out these 5 Clever Ways to Create Extra Money for Your Savings. Everyone knows the importance of having a savings. When you are living from paycheck to paycheck like many people are these days, you may be wonderingRead More
Tips for Setting Up a Savings Account
Last week I discussed one of the basics of taking control of your finances; creating a budget. This week, I will give you tips on creating a savings account so you can live with more financial freedom and less stress. Creating a savings account is extremely important for everyone to do no matter your income, budgetRead More