When your budget is tight, it can be very hard to even think about trying to live green as you are often in “survival mode”. This is actually a perfect time to be as sustainable as possible and find ways to reuse items, do for yourself and become more independent. Living green is a veryRead More
How To Stretch Your Food Stamp (SNAP) and WIC Budget
Christine is sharing tips for how to stretch your SNAP and WIC budget to buy more groceries. A tight food budget is really hard to handle and can cause a lot of stress. Many people on SNAP (formally known as Food Stamps) also get WIC and this can help quite a bit. While it canRead More
Couponing On Food Stamps (SNAP)
Christine is sharing tips for how to use coupons when you are on food stamps to stretch your grocery budget further. If you are one of millions of Americans who use the SNAP program (what used to be called “food stamps”) due to hard economical times, you may not know that you can save moneyRead More