Premeditated Leftovers

Gardening With Your Kids

There is something so rewarding and a bit magical about pulling fresh food straight from the ground, washing it off, and biting into the fruits of your labor.

Let’s get started!

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Gardening With Your Kids


Neither adults or children are immune to the lure of digging in the dirt, growing something with your own two hands, or the final preparations that go into your garden harvest.

Provide them with things like wheelbarrows, spades, shovels, rakes, and watering cans in a size that is made for little hands.  

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Kid Sized Tools


 My son loves to water the plants, and help gather the vegetables as they are ripe.  I even designated a basket for him that is kept by the backdoor, we grab it every time we head out to the garden.

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Give them an area of their own


Plant at least a few items that sprout quickly,  and grow abundantly. Quick turnaround and bountiful harvest will spark excitement and make your child fall in love with gardening and keep them from becoming bored with it.

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Set them up for success


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Gardening With Your Kids