Premeditated Leftovers

How to Grow Juicy Watermelon

Have you always dreamed of growing your own watermelon? Growing your own watermelon is fun, and a great way to get some fresh summer fruit on the table.

Let’s get started!

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How to Grow Juicy Watermelon


If you are thinking about growing your own watermelon this year, take a look at these tips for how to grow watermelon in your garden. While you do need a little patience, you will find that growing your own watermelon is surprisingly easy. Here is how you can get started.

Us these gardening tips to grow watermelon from seed to harvest.

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How to Grow Watermelon


Watermelon plants need really warm soil to grow, so you don’t want to plant outdoors until temperatures reach a consistent 70 degrees or higher.

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How to plant watermelon  seeds


When you are ready to plant your watermelon seedlings (whether they be your own starters or store-bought) you need to be sure all threat of frost and cold temperatures have passed.

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How to plant watermelon seedlings


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How to Grow Juicy Watermelon