Premeditated Leftovers

Mid-Summer Cleaning List

It is already July and the beach towels are piling up. Use this mid-summer cleaning list to clean the house before it gets out of hand.

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Mid-Summer Cleaning List


We are about halfway through summer and the little people have taken over our home – eating up all the food, crying I am bored every 10 minutes, tracking in pool water, and causing general chaos. Let’s get those imps involved this summer in the cleaning and organizing by having them work WITH us.

This one requires a couple of strong backs, give every mattress in the house a flip and/or an 180-degreee rotation. Sprinkle with baking soda mixed with a couple drops of essential oil then vacuum away to freshen.

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Flip all the mattresses


Remember the clothes hangers we turned backward in January? If you haven’t worn an item and turned the hanger around, it is probably time to give it away. If you didn’t do the hanger flip, just purge out anything that you don’t love.

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Get rid of unworn clothes in the closet


Gather 20 items in 20 minutes to give away. If you can do more that’s great, but walk among all your rooms and find at least 20 things to donate. Give the kids a bag to do the same.

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Grab a donation bag


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Mid-Summer Cleaning List