Premeditated Leftovers

20 Satisfying Weight Watchers Snack Recipes

These 20 Weight Watchers snack recipes will help keep you satiated between meals without blowing your diet.

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20 Weight Watchers Snack Recipes


Have you resolved to eat healthier? I definitely have. In addition to giving up soda pop (even diet soda!), I have resolved to eat a healthy breakfast and choose healthier snacks. I have always been pretty good about eating healthy dinners…it’s the snacks that get me. Especially if I haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch and make a meal of snack food.

This is a tasty little treat for zero Freestyle points! And it’s very easy to make…ready in about 5 minutes.

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Orange Creamsicle Treat


Weight Watchers peanut butter whips are easy, delicious, and indulgent. Made with only two ingredients this frozen treat is both WW and Keto friendly.

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Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Whips


I made this simple strawberry salsa recently to go with the grilled pork we were planning for dinner. If you are a fan of fruit flavored salsas from the jar you owe it to yourself to try this fresh from scratch one.

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20 Satisfying Weight Watchers Snack