Premeditated Leftovers

7 Helpful Time Management Tips to Organize Your Life

Are you looking to organize your time more effectively? Here are 7 time management tips that will help you organize your time and your life!

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7 Helpful Time Management Tips to Organize Your Life 


Organizing your time in this day and age is a must! Between work, the kids, taking care of the house, and all the other things we are in charge of, it can be a crazy world and time can really get away from you! I’m sure you know the feeling when you sit down at the end of the night and you look around and try to figure out what happened to the day!

Planning your day the night before is always a great idea. Sit down and start a list (on paper or an electronic device) of all the things that need to be done the next day. Start the list with any appointments that are scheduled or places that you need to be at at a certain time.

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Plan You’re Day


Time blocking is a great time management technique used to effectively organize you time. I am a visual person and a little more old school than I want to be so my time blocking is done on a regular old fashioned wall calendar.

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Time Blocking


When you have a daily routine that you follow everything will run more smoothly. You will get used to the routine and will learn to complete these tasks efficiently.

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Have a Daily Routine


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7 Helpful Time Management Tips to Organize Your Life