Premeditated Leftovers

7 Tricks for Successful Spring Gardening

Get your vegetable garden off to a good start with these tips for a successful spring garden.v

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7 Tricks for Successful Spring Gardening


Have you been disappointed with your garden in the past? There are a number of factors that can hurt your spring garden. Use the tips below to ensure you start you get your garden off to a good start.

Check the ph level of your intended garden area.  You can pick up testing kits at home and garden stores or take a sample to your local extension office for testing.  Mix in the appropriate ingredient to get it where it should be. Here are tips for prepping soil for a vegetable garden.

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Start with good soil


Fertilizers, fish emulsions, or other soil amendments should be added regularly to feed your plants and vegetables for maximum growth and production. Every living thing needs the right food to keep it in top shape. Here are the top 10 organic fertilizers.

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Don’t give the weeds a chance to overtake your garden.  Weed daily or at least every couple days to keep ahead of it. Weeds can choke out your tender, new plants and produce scraggly under grown specimens.

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Weed regularly


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7 Tricks for Successful Spring Gardening