Premeditated Leftovers

Composting For Beginners

Composting allows you to turn your food waste into free compost that is nutrient-rich and can be used for many things! Most likely, you’re going to use it for gardening, so that is what this post will focus on.

Let’s get started!

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Composting For Beginners 


You will need to decide exactly what type of composting you want to do. Earlier in the week we discussed three ways to start composting: traditional composting, tumbling composter, and vermiculture.

Green stuff such as fresh grass clippings, green garden debris, carrot peelings, eggshells, and weeds. Brown stuff such as pine needles (small amounts), leaves, and twigs. Other stuff should be added rarely, such as newspaper, cardboard, dryer lint, and wood chips.

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What to Add to Your Compost Bin


– diseased plants – meats – dairy products – bones – paper (black and white newspaper is okay in small amounts)

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What NOT to Add to Your Compost Bin


Composting is many things, but above all, composting is fun! Get kids involved by getting them books like Worms Eat My Garbage: How to Set Up and Maintain a Worm Composting System!

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How to Get Started With Composting