Premeditated Leftovers

Creative & Frugal Ways to Build a Cold Frame

Do you have a short growing season? You can lengthen it with a cold frame. Here are frugal ways to build a cold frame for your garden.

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Creative & Frugal Ways to Build a Cold Frame 


For many of us that live in the cooler temperature regions, we tend to think by this time of year, growing vegetables is hopeless. This is not really true if you make a cold frame.

Some common materials uses to make cold frames that can be free or nearly free include: – Old doors – Old windows – Bales of hay or straw

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Frugal Ways to Build a Cold Frame


Make sure your location for placing your cold frame is ideal. This often means south-facing in an area that gets a good amount of sun and can be protected from harsh winds.

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Tips for Using a Cold Frame


No matter which cold frame you choose, make sure to do your research on what kinds of plants grow best in your area for cold frame gardening before you start. Happy gardening!

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Frugal Ways to Make a Cold Frame


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Creative & Frugal Ways to Build a Cold Frame