Premeditated Leftovers

DIY Lemon and Rosemary Gardener’s Hand Scrub

This DIY Lemon and Rosemary Gardener’s Hand Scrub recipe is perfect for getting all of the dirt from gardening off your hands!

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DIY Lemon and Rosemary Gardener’s Hand Scrub


– 1 cup granulated Sugar – 2 tablespoons Olive Oil – Zest of 1 lemon – 2 tablespoons lemon juice – 2 sprigs Rosemary


Pour sugar into a medium-sized bowl, grate the zest of lemon into sugar.

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Pull the rosemary leaves off the stem, rip or chop them into smaller pieces. I normally do them much smaller, as you can see I had little hands “helping” me with the process. 

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Stir in sugar, olive oil, and lemon juice until all ingredients are well combined. Scoop mixture into a jar with a wide opening so your hands will fit in.  Store your gardener’s hand scrub in a lidded container next to your sink.

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DIY Lemon and Rosemary Gardener’s Hand Scrub