Premeditated Leftovers

How To Attract Ladybugs To Your Garden

It is no secret that ladybugs are a gardeners very best friend. Ladybugs are nature’s way of controlling pests, as they love to dine on aphids and other bugs that would love to eat your plants.

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How To Attract Ladybugs To Your Garden


Attracting ladybugs to your yard is an excellent idea, because it offers natural and free pest control that can’t be beat! To learn more about how to attract ladybugs to your garden, take a peek below at some helpful tips.

Ladybugs love fennel, dill, and cilantro. Add these herbs into your flower beds and landscaping to attract ladybugs to come visit. Ladybugs also like plants that over a large flower, as they love to hide in the crevices or relax under the shade.

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Include their favorite plants in your landscaping


Keep your soil and plants as moist as possible without over watering. Ladybugs like to be hydrated and fresh, cool water will always be attractive to them.

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Keep flower beds damp


Using chemicals in any form can keep ladybugs at bay. Avoid using chemical pest repellants or fertilizers as they can kill any ladybugs that are present as well as repel any new ones from wanting to settle in.

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Don’t use chemicals


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How To Attract Ladybugs To Your Garden