Premeditated Leftovers

How to Batch Grill Chicken with Different Delicious Marinades

You can save time on meal prep during the week by batch grilling several pounds of chicken on the weekend. Here is how to batch grill chicken using different marinades.

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How to Batch Grill Chicken with Different Delicious Marinades 


My husband is always happy to help out with dinner by grilling. Unfortunately, his job requires him to work quite late Monday through Friday. I already push dinner back to an unreasonably late hour so that we can eat together as a family, if I waited for him to grill we wouldn’t eat until bed time.

 I marinate the chicken at least 2 hours prior to grilling.My husband lights the coals and once they are close to ready he evenly distributes them.

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How to Batch Grill Chicken


Then my husband puts one variety at a time on the grill in a row. Then he adds the next flavor. 

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Each flavor gets its own row, which makes it easier to keep the flavors organized, but makes it a little harder to grill because he can’t just randomly move pieces to get them over the hot spot or move them from a hot spot.

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How to Batch Grill Chicken with Different Delicious Marinades