Premeditated Leftovers

How to Grow Radishes in Your Garden

Radishes are a tasty root vegetable that also grow quite quickly. You can add radishes to you garden plans this year easily when you give these simple growing tips a try.

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How to Grow Radishes in Your Garden


Radishes are cool weather plants, so they are perfect for starting several weeks before the spring season begins. In about 30 days, you can have a harvest of radishes perfect for serving on salads or for canning. Here are some helpful tips for growing radishes in your garden.

Direct sow seeds ½ inch to an inch deep and two inches apart 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Plant radishes in a sunny location, ensuring they are not being shaded by neighboring plants.

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Don’t sow all of your radish seeds at once, instead plant consecutively every two weeks while the weather is cool to ensure a continuous harvest of radishes.

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Don’t forget to plant more radishes in the fall once temperatures have started to cool.

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How to Grow Radishes in Your Garden