Premeditated Leftovers

How to Use Camping to Teach Survival Skills to Kids

Camping is a fun family activity, but you can also use it to teach your kids some life skills. Here is how to use camping to teach survival skills to kids.

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How to Use Camping to Teach Survival Skills to Kids


Summer months mean tons of time to use camping to teach survival skills to your kids. Not only is the warmer weather a great reason to head out to a great campsite with your family for a few days, it’s a perfect time to do some natural homeschooling and education with your kids.

Learn how to read a compass. Reading a compass is pretty easy to learn, but understanding what that means in relation to where you are is more important.

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How to Use Camping to Teach Survival Skills to Kids


There are a few standard constellations to learn to help understand directions.

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Learn where constellations are and what that means.


Fire means warmth as well as a means to cook food. Not only should your children learn how to build an appropriate fire using things like a lighter or matches, it is a great time to teach them how to use flint.

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Learn how to build and manage a fire.


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How to Use Camping to Teach Survival Skills to Kids