Premeditated Leftovers

Spring Cleaning List – The Top 10 Neglected Areas

The breezes are becoming mild and with the sun shining outside its hard to focus on work indoors.  But it’s a traditional ushering in of Spring to give your home a thorough freshening and cleaning.

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Spring Cleaning List – The Top 10 Neglected Areas


Trash Cans

Take all your cans-kitchen and bathroom outside, spray them thoroughly inside and out with your favorite antibacterial cleaner, allow it to sit for 10 minutes, rinse well, and dry.

When you do your spring cleaning its also a great time to go through your medicine cabinets and clean out expired medicines.

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Medicine Cabinets


I make it a point to give them a thorough dusting during my spring cleaning. Knock down cobwebs in the corner, and run a duster between each slat, rotate blinds and dust the other side.

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Pull out your refrigerator, stove, washer, and dryer.  Sweep and mop well to remove dust, and dirt that has built up.

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Behind Appliances


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Spring Cleaning List