Premeditated Leftovers

Tips for Growing Kale in Your Garden

These tips for growing kale from seed to harvest tell you everything you need to get started growing kale.

Let’s get started!

Tips for Growing Kale in Your Garden

You can sow kale seeds as early as a few weeks before the last frost. It actually thrives in the cool temperatures and will avoid a bitter taste when grown in such conditions. To sow kale seeds, plant seeds in loose soil about ½ an inch deep and an inch apart.

How to grow kale from seed:

First, don’t transplant seedling until they are a sturdy 4-5 inches tall. The kale seedlings should then be planted 12 inches apart.

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How to transplant kale:


Once you have planted your seedlings, keep these tips in mind for giving them a strong start. Begin by keeping the soil moist and cool. Watering every few days should help you achieve this.

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How to care for kale seedlings:


Making sure your kale plants are kept cool, moist, and pest free is the best way to ensure a strong crop. Since kale appeals to rodents and rabbits, be sure to put up a deterrent such as a fence to keep nibbling at bay.

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General tips for producing a good kale crop:


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Tips for Growing Kale in Your Garden