Premeditated Leftovers

Tips for Attracting Helpful Bees to Your Garden

Here are some tips for attracting bees to your garden.

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Tips for Attracting Helpful Bees to Your Garden


Stop spraying weed and insect killers on your grass!

Dandelions and clover attract bees. Plus you can use the dandelion greens in salads and the dandelion and clover blossoms to make tea. Food for you and the bees; it’s a win-win

We have apple, pear, and plum trees in our backyard. They blossom before many of our other plants drawing the bees to our yard early in the season.

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Add fruit trees to your landscaping.


Growing a variety of vegetables that blossom at various times throughout the growing season, will encourage bees to continue visiting your garden.

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Include a variety of flowering vegetables in your garden.


I encourage mason bees to come live on our property because they are less aggressive than honey bees. If you are interested in attracting mason bees, you can build a Mason Bee House. If you don’t feel like building one, you can buy a Mason Bee House📷 for less than $20.00.

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Attract Mason Bees to your yard.


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Tips for Attracting Bees to Your Garden