Premeditated Leftovers

Why Changing Your Break­fast Habit will Reap Huge Re­wards

“Break­fast is the most im­por­tant meal of the day” so the say­ing goes. Per­son­al­ly I don’t be­lieve that’s true. Every­thing you eat is im­por­tant.

Let’s get started!

Why is break­fast of­ten the health­i­est meal of the day?


Break­fast is of­ten a “habit” meal. Most peo­ple have a strong morn­ing rou­tine. Which in­cludes a reg­u­lar break­fast. Sim­ple and easy. We do the same thing every day on re­peat.

"Let’s start by “what’s not a great healthy break­fast”.

What I call “white floury carbs”. In short, any­thing that comes out of a pack­age. Many break­fast ce­re­als mar­ket them­selves as “healthy” when re­al­ly they’re consid­er­ably pro­cessed.

Why is that im­por­tant? Aren’t we al­ways told to eat whole grains?


Think of an ear of wheat. (You can buy it as “spelt”.) It has a fi­brous husk around the out­side and flour in the mid­dle. The pro­cess­ing method may take away that husk. That husk is good fi­bre for us. Our gut bio­me (those friend­ly mi­cro­scop­ic things that help keep us healthy.) feed on that fi­bre. Tak­ing away the husk isn’t great.

– Find a recipe or a few recipes that work for you and your  fam­i­ly. – Get into a rou­tine. – Be brave and ditch the packages. (If not, go for whole-grain ce­re­al that include the husk.)

How Can You Make Break­fast Healthy and Quick?

I love spelt and would eat it every day. Ex­cept I have kids. They won’t touch it. As a hap­py com­pro­mise, we eat oats dur­ing the week in the form of “por­ridge” or “oatmeal”. Rolled oats are halfway be­tween “pro­cessed into flour” and “whole grain”.

Re­mem­ber to Make it Work for Your Fam­i­ly

Swipe up for the rest of the recipe 

Why Changing Your Break­fast Habit will Reap Huge Re­wards