Premeditated Leftovers

10 Helpful Speed Cleaning Tips

No one likes to spend forever and a day cleaning. Unfortunately, not all of us can afford to have someone else come in and do it for us and well, not all spouses and kids are great at doing their share.

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10 Helpful Speed Cleaning Tips


1. Move in a circle around the rooms. Make a pact to not come back to finish something. This will only slow you down. Do things thoroughly the first time. This includes dishes.  This should be done the night before, if need be.

2. To avoid spending precious time (and elbow grease!) scrubbing stuck on food in the kitchen, mix simple white vinegar and equal parts dish soap together. Gently shake. 

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3. Get yourself a tub, preferably with a handle that you can set all of your cleaning supplies in. Wearing an apron also helps so you can place sponges, old toothbrushes and wipes in your pocket. 

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4. One of the best tips for speed cleaning is to clean as you go throughout your day so when it comes times to do some deeper cleaning, it isn’t much at all. 

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10 Helpful Speed Cleaning Tips