Premeditated Leftovers

Freezing Fresh Produce Tips

If you have an abundance of produce from your garden or you loaded up at the farmers market and need to preserve the freshness until it can be used up-  freezing is a great way to go.

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Freezing Fresh Produce Tips


Freezing Fresh Produce – Tips for Freezing Fruits, Vegetables, & Herbs

To prepare the produce for freezing, begin by washing it thoroughly. Remove leaves, stems,  and pits from fruits and vegetables.

Vegetables that freeze well:  Carrots, Potatoes, Peppers, Green Peas, Corn, Zucchini, Squash, Onions

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How to Freeze Vegetables


To prepare fruits for freezing – Peel and slice or chop larger fruit like apples, and peaches.  Most fruits can be frozen without boiling first.

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How to Freeze Fruits


You can either fill a freezer bag with the desired amount of produce or  place produce in a single layer  on a baking sheet and allow it to freeze solid then place in freezer bags.

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How to Freeze Produce Once it Has Been Prepped


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Freezing Fresh Produce Tips