Premeditated Leftovers

How to Make Fresh Watermelon Cupcakes

If you are trying to cut back on processed sugar, you will love these fresh watermelon cupcakes! Use the tutorial below on how to make cupcakes with real watermelon to make a healthy dessert for your next party.

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Fresh Watermelon Cupcakes


12  people




20 minutes



– 1 medium seedless watermelon – whipped cream (how to make homemade whipped cream) – raspberries – mint leaves

Cut the watermelon into 2 – 3 inch thick slices. Then use a biscuit cutter📷 or glass to cut the watermelon into circles.

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Step 1


Because cupcakes are smaller on the bottom and flare out. I used my smallest biscuit cutter📷 to make a cut in the bottom. I don’t go very deep, just enough to make an imprint:

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Step 2


Then I use the imprint on the bottom as a guide as I cut the watermelon so that they flare up from the small circle on the bottom:

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Step 3


Swipe up for the rest of the recipe 

Fresh Watermelon Cupcakes