Premeditated Leftovers

Perfect Variations of Arnold Palmers

I fell in love with tea as a child when a neighbor introduced me to Arnold Palmers: half iced tea, half lemonade. The lemonade sweetened the tea without making it too sweet and the tea cut the sugar in the lemonade.

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Perfect Variations of Arnold Palmers


It is light and refreshing and I feel the mellow flavor enhances the meal. Most of the time I take my tea black. However, every summer I crave an Arnold Palmer.

Ingredients: – Iced Tea – Strawberry-Lemonade (or pink lemonade) – strawberry  slices (optional)

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Strawberry Arnold Palmer Recipe


Ingredients: – Iced Tea – Limeade – Lime slices (optional)

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Lime Arnold Palmer Recipe


As we were sitting around sipping our tea my daughter suggested that next time we add mint leaves to the Lime Arnold Palmer to make a Mojito-flavored Arnold Palmer.

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More Variations on Arnold Palmers


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Perfect Variations of Arnold Palmers