Premeditated Leftovers

5 Tips to a Stress-Free Summer with Kids

Summer is all about school-free fun for children, but as parents, we may be feeling more stress than normal. There is so much going on during the season that you don’t want to turn down any of it.

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5 Tips to a Stress-Free Summer with Kids


Plan fun activities for your kids.

Since your children will not have school to occupy their time, summer is the perfect opportunity to take them to the zoo, park, or other fun locations.

Though you want your child’s summer to be fun, saying yes to every event or filling your family’s schedule with tons of obligations isn’t the way to go.

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Avoid planning too much.


This is every important to help keep your summer stress levels to a minimum. We all love our children, but sometimes it’s nice to be able to do something for yourself.

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Don’t forget the “mommy” time.


There are many fun activities you can do with (or without) your children that will help to relieve stress.

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Rely on summer stress relievers.


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5 Tips to a Stress-Free Summer with Kids