Use these tips for attracting winter birds to your yard, so you can enjoy bird watching year-round. Can you believe old man winter is already on the horizon? I know you don’t want to think about it, but the truth is winter will be here before you know it. With winter comes a variety ofRead More
Using Herbs and Vegetables For Edible Landscaping
Make your yard work for you by Using Herbs and Vegetables For Edible Landscaping, it pretty meets functional. Landscaping is meant to be a beautiful addition to your home adding curb appeal but what if your landscaping could be so much more than just a decoration? Using herbs and vegetables for edible landscaping in your yardRead More
How to Use Fall Leaves for Mulch
Looking for something practical to do with all of those leaves covering your lawn? These tips on How to Use Fall Leaves for Mulch will show you all of the ways fallen leaves can be used to protect plants and landscape your yard. Fall has arrived, and as it makes its way through it noRead More
7 Tips for Growing a Shade Garden
If you have a shady yard, meaning a yard that gets less than 6 hour of sun in a day, you might be afraid that you have little to no planting options. The good news is that even with a shade filled yard you can still enjoy lush and beautiful plants that thrive in theseRead More
How to Make a Butterfly Puddler
When creating a butterfly garden, the first and most important step is to plant flowers that attract them to your yard. Maybe even include some host plants for the caterpillars to feed on to keep them around in all stages. But that won’t be enough to bring them back time and time again. To have aRead More
How to Save Money at Greenhouses and Gardening Centers
Are you itching to get your garden and landscaping underway? Now is the time of year to get your yard looking its best, which often includes a trip to your local greenhouse or gardening center. This is where you will find all of your planting materials, plants, mulch, and more. There are ways to saveRead More
5 Ways to Care for Bulbs
If you planted bulbs last fall or are sticking some in the ground this spring, you should know that they need a little tender loving care to grow their best. Many people think that bulbs can be tossed in the ground and let go to grow, but the truth is they need a little moreRead More
How to Get Your Yard Ready for Spring
I can’t tell you how excited I am for Spring to almost be here. Not only am I done with this cold weather, but Spring is a great time to feel productive. One of the things most people do, especially if you garden is get their yards ready for Spring. Even if you don’t planRead More
How to Make Rabbit Repellent
If you need a way to deter rabbits from eating your flowers, try this organic rabbit repellent recipe. It uses garlic and crushed red peppers to repel the rabbits naturally without damaging your plants. If you have had any contact with me in the last three years, you know that I struggle with rabbits. IRead More