I am such a skeptic, that I never would have tried Debbie Meyer Green Bags
if a friend did not give me a box. Even then, I am embarrassed to say, the box of Green Bags
sat on top of my refrigerator for a couple of months before I tried them.
Last week their was a BOGO sale on strawberries, so I brought home to boxes for my daughter to use in Strawberry Cream Pie. I offered to make Strawberry Spinach Salad with the leftovers, but the kids weren’t hungry and said maybe later. As I was putting the strawberries in the refrigerator I thought, “these are going to rot unless I use them within 24 hours”. I remembered the Green Bags and thought, “what would it hurt”… Life got busy and I forgot about the strawberries. Six days later I opened the bag expecting to find a science project and instead found this: The strawberries were in perfect condition! I still have mixed feelings about the bags. I am really happy that I don’t have to post a picture of moldy strawberries on my Friday Food Waste post, but they can only be reused 10 times for this purpose. what will I do with them afterwards? I hate the idea of throwing them away, so perhaps I can use them to bring home fruit and vegetables from the farmer’s market after I can no longer use them to preserve fruit.
Have you found a way to keep fruit, especially berries from spoiling quickly?
Struggler says
I had never heard of these – they sound really interesting. This week has not been bad at all for food waste, but that might be because I haven't yet looked in the deep dark depths of my refrigerator!
missmessy says
They just have to be leaching some kind of poison into the food right? I always freeze berries if i think i won't eat them right away. They thaw out in 10 minutes in warm water. Salad in the fridge will last 2 weeks if you spread it out on the counter and let it dry until its very dry, then put it in the fridge.
Shana says
I wondered about those things.
Alea says
I don't think I would try these for anything that my family would open and get in to, because I know they wouldn't close the bag. We are still working on putting the towel on the hook after a shower. 😀
I will post an update, maybe in a Friday Fragments (I keep meaning to join Mub) as I try the bags on other fruits and veggies.
Melissa says
Like you, I tried these only when someone gave me some to try. I don't know how well they would have worked, though, because my family kept leaving the bananas OUT of the bag. *sigh*
Rebecca says
I would be just as skeptical as you were, and I probably won't hunt them down. If they land in my path someday for a buck, maybe I'll try them out.
So glad your strawberries didn't show up on Food Waste Friday! (Because when strawberries are there, that is always very sad.)
mub says
My grandma uses these and she says they work really well for certain things! As Beth said though, tomatoes and bananas don't work at all in them.
Beth says
I tried the Debbie Meyer green bag but didn't have as much luck. Maybe it's because I used tomatoes and bananas?