When my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I said a gym membership. I found a gym that had a monthly fee of $12.95, free daycare, and no long term commitments. I have really enjoyed the Pilates and yoga classes. I occasionally go to a zumba class, even though I am not entirely sure a Christian homeschool mom should move like that in public and I take advantage of the treadmills when the weather is too hot or too cold for me to walk comfortably outside.
After I injured myself falling from my horse, I was determined not to let my muscles atrophy while my arm and shoulder healed, so I decided I would meet with a personal trainer while I was recovering. After 4 sessions, I have decided that my trainer is trying to take my mind off the pain in my injured arm by causing me greater pain in other areas.
Today my quads hurt so bad that I just wanted to curl up in a ball and practice using my trainer’s name as a cuss word (probably also not appropriate behavior for a Christian homeschool mom). To be fair, it might not be entirely his fault, because I followed yesterday’s session with pilates this morning (we call our pilates instructor Attila) and a horse ride in the afternoon.
My response to pain is an overwhelming desire to sleep. It can be a great way to deal with pain, unless you are the sole care giver for a wild 4 year old. So instead of taking a nap, I took maximum strength ibuprofin and rubbed vaporizing rub into my sore muscles.
Most people don’t realize that vaporizing rub is a topical analgesic. It costs a fraction of the price of most of the products that are sold for sore muscles. It creates a similiar warm, then cool sensation, and helps alleviate some of the pain – at least temporarily.
This post is linked to Frugal Friday.
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