We have a fourteen year gap between our second and third last child. I feel like I am having to learn how to parent all over again. I am sure that I have forgotten more than I ever actually knew. Most child rearing tips come back to me AFTER an incident. This tip is no exception!
To keep your toddler from being able to unroll hundreds of feet of toilet paper in under a minute, flatten the roll before you place it on the dispenser.When it returns to its original shape it will retain the indents and will only roll effortlessly long enough to produce about 3 squares of toilet paper.
This will not eliminate toilet paper waste, but it should slow your child down enough that you can prevent the entire house from being TPed. A side benefit is that it also slows down the rest of the household’s toilet paper consumption.
This last week has been a very humbling experience for me. Please share any tips to get me through the next few years; I need all the help I can get!
This post has been linked to Works For Me Wednesday and Frugal Friday.
Jessica @ This Blessed Life says
I'm keeping this in mind for the next few years! Thanks! 🙂
Leslie says
such a great tip! Thanks!
Angela says
Ha! Good for toddlers, but I think this tip will help me as well! Thanks.
Struggler says
Oh, I feel for you. There was a wonderful series of adverts in the UK where an adorable Labrador puppy would run off with yards and yards of toilet paper. Cute on the screen, not so fun to live with, I guess!
Rebecca says
nothing like kids to keep us humble, hmm?
Cathy says
Gee. Sometimes its so simple. Thanks for stopping by my blog.