Usually my resolutions are very easy to keep: eat more chocolate, host more game nights, laugh more… But for some reason this year I have made some pretty big resolutions. In addition to committing to not buying anything new for a year, and making money while decluttering my house, I have resolved to exercise regularly.
I have found that I feel best when I can take a brisk 3 – 5 mile walk. That was easily accomplished when we lived in Southern California, but the extreme weather in the high desert prevents me from putting Rew in the jogging stroller and getting some exercise. I was actually thinking of joining a gym, but before doing so I found the above Leslie Sansone walking video at a thrift store for .99 cents. I decided that for .99 cents I could afford to give it a try and if I didn’t like it I could just turn around and donate it back to the thrift store.
I love it! It is low impact and provides enough of a work out that I feel like I have exercised, but I can still move the next day to do it again. In Walk Away The Pounds 3 Mile video there are 4 different steps – all very easy to follow – march, side step, kick, and heel lift, so I feel like I am actually getting a little more complete work out than if I just went for a walk around the neighborhood. . Another thing I like about this video, is that there is not any floor work. When exercising with a two year old, you want to minimize the amount of time that you are a target to be jumped on! At one point in the video, they use weights to do some arm exercises. I don’t have any hand held weights, so I use cans of beans from the pantry and they work just fine. I have started looking for a used copy of a 4 mile and 5 mile walking video to alternate with this one so I can vary my routine.
If you are interested in a work out video, preview them on You-Tube to see if you like the trainer’s style. This can help you weed out videos that you are not likely to enjoy and save you from wasting money on videos that will end up in a donation bin. (Is it hypocritical that I am hoping someone didn’t like the 4 or 5 mile walking videos and donates them?) Also, if you are thinking of buying exercise equipment, I recommend that you start at a thrift store. The ones in my area have quite a few lightly used exercise machines for sale for a fraction of the cost of a new one.
Have you resolved to get more exercise this year? If so, what are you doing? Have you found something that is working for you?
I have linked this post to Works for Me Wednesday because walking in the comfort of my family room works for me!
ETA: A few more details about this particular video.
Together We Save says
Great resolutions!! I need to make the buying nothing new one!!
Porch Days says
I had been walking but hate to walk in the cold. Need someone to walk with me so I have a commitment. Easy to open a bag of Lays chips and promise to walk "tomorrow."
"Whisper House" closes in mid-February. There will be other plays at the Old Globe and it is an experience!
Struggler says
Yes, the current weather is making outdoors exercise very challenging!
Love the sound of a walking video. I'm in a strange situation right now as I'm taking a break from running in the hope my (minor) knee troubles recover. So walking, biking and the dreaded humility ball are occupying my time.
Shana says
Great idea on the previewing! I have WATP and loved it. Umm, you know, when I actually used it lol.
Melissa says
Great find! I know what you mean about not being able to get outdoors to exercise. I'm glad you found something that works for you!
The Book Lady Online says
Great tip about YouTube. I prefer to do outside things for exercise-lately that has been raking leaves (and of course, lugging moving boxes, lol) and soon it will be making garden beds and such. This dvd sounds like a great thing to have for those days when outside exercise can't happen. Gonna check them out on YouTube. May need to get a few. Thanks!
mub says
I have the two mile version of this and it really is great. I prefer to ride my bike for exercise but since it's still in the shop I ought to dust this off and get back into the groove *L*
Alea says
No, you don't need a treadmill. There are 4 different steps – all very easy to follow – march, side step, kick, and heel lift, so I feel like I am actually getting a little more complete work out than if I just went for a walk around the neighborhood.
Jane says
Great tip about Youtube! Also, I think I have seen that same video at Ross. You might look there if you have one in your area. Now, let me get this straight, do you watch this while on a treadmill? Or are you marching in place?