When I ride my horse I always wear my helmet. Always! Even though the side effect of wearing a helmet is helmet hair. Unfortunately I don’t always have time to wash my hair after riding my horse and before going out in public. That’s when I use Dry Shampoo. It absorbs the oils and actually improves the texture of my hair before I head out. It doesn’t look squeakly clean, but I can get through my errands without hiding under a hat.
You can make dry shampoo with cornstarch or arrow root. You can add unsweetened cocoa powder if you have brown hair to achieve the right color. You can apply the dry shampoo with an old blush brush, then rub it in a bit, and brush it out.
Here is a homemade dry shampoo recipe using arrowroot.
Here is a homemade dry shampoo recipe using cornstarch.
You can add a few drops of essential oil to your shampoo if you wish, but I don’t find it necessary.
You can find more Naturally Frugal Tips here.
Do you have a Naturally Frugal Tip you would like to share? Send me an email with a link to your post (or the details if you are not a blogger) to [email protected].
Adrienne @ Whole New Mom says
Hey there. I use a dry shampoo all the time, but I always felt that arrowroot or cornstarch could exacerbate skin issues since they tend to feed things like yeast, which are related to dandruff and psoriasis, etc. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Alea Milham says
I had pretty severe psoriasis on my legs, but have never had a problem with it on my scalp despite using dry shampoo. I also haven’t had an issue with dandruff. The one thing that I have found that improves my psoriasis is following a gluten-free diet. That makes a bigger impact on controlling my psoriasis than anything else I have ever tried.