Whether you are potty training a toddler, dealing with a sick child, or caring for an elderly relative, a waterproof mattress pad can come in handy. But they are quite expensive and not always that effective, which is why I like this tutorial for Making your Own Waterproof Mattress Pad Cover by Lindsey at So Easy Being Green. Lindsey says you could easily make this waterproof mattress cover with upcycled materials. She used flannel sheets, a vinyl tablecloth, and and fleece to make a waterproof mattress cover. You can find directions and tips for the DIY Mattress Pad here.
More Naturally Frugal Tips from Lindsey at So Easy Being Green:
Paint Cups Made from Upcycled Snack Cups
DIY Diaper Sprayer for Cleaning Cloth Diapers
You can find more Naturally Frugal Tips here.
Do you have a Naturally Frugal Tip you would like to share? Send me an email with a link to your post (or the details if you are not a blogger) to aleasleftovers@gmail.com.
will says
For a cheap mattress cover UHaul sells mattress plastic sheets used for covering mattresses while you move for only 2.95 and they are not bad