Budgeting is a great way to keep an eye on the amount of money coming into and leaving your bank account. With a budget, you can successfully save money and pay off debts. Sometimes, however, you might find budgeting more of a chore – one that you have no desire continuing to work on. Read onRead More
How to Get Out of Debt Using Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps
Have you resolved to get out of debt? Dave Ramesy’s Baby Steps will give you a doable plan to pay off debt and start building a savings. The Total Money Makeover system is set up to help people get their finances back on track. It works by helping you to get on a budget andRead More
How to Always Pay Bills on Time
If you are tired of incurring late fees on bills, these tips on how to always pay bills on time are for you. For many years I lived in the constant cycle of “stealing from Peter to pay Paul”; that is I was always rearranging my bill paying to pay bills just in time orRead More
7 Places to Cut $10 from Your Spending
Need to save money? It is easy to find multiple places to cut $10 from your spending throughout the week. We all know how it feels when we need to make cuts in our budget. Sometimes when looking at the big picture it can be hard to see how we can save without feeling like we are missingRead More