College can be quite an expensive time in life. If you are a college student looking for ways to stay on budget and live better for less, take a look below at 25 ways for college students to save money. When you give these 25 tips a try, you will find that saving money doesn’tRead More
How to Organize Your Dorm Room
So you have flown the coup, grown up and headed to the crazy busy life of a collage goer! Here comes the great life of friends, parties, homework, tests, teachers and many many deadlines. You are headed to live the next year of your life in close quarters with another human being in the smallestRead More
How to Save Money on College Text Books
After tuition and living expenses, one of the biggest expenses is your text books for class. If you are a full-time student, this can be quite a lot of money to come up with at once. You may be a little sticker shocked as well. Over a hundred dollars for a book you will onlyRead More
How to Save Money on College Expenses
Yesterday, I read an article about a woman who had accumulated $555,000 in student debt. Originally she took out only $250,000, but fees and interest have more than doubled what she owes. You can read more about her cautionary tale here. Her story caused me to reflect on how blessed my children will be toRead More