Use these tips on how to build an emergency fund on a limited budget to stash away money for unexpected expenses. Having an emergency fund is important. It is something to rely on in times of trouble so you don’t have to immediately panic or wonder, “What now?” Building an emergency fund can be hardRead More
How to Create an Emergency Fund on a Shoestring Budget
It’s important to have an emergency fund, but it’s hard to save when money is tight. Here’s how to create an emergency fund on a shoestring budget. Having savings for emergencies is extremely important for anyone. However, creating an emergency fund can present a challenge when you are on a tight budget. The problem is, havingRead More
How to Create a Family Budget that Works
Creating a budget is one of the first things you need to to do when trying to take back control of your finances. Money management all boils down to getting a handle on where your money is going and where it is coming from. The neat thing about budgets is that to view them positivelyRead More
5 Ways to Build Your Emergency Fund Faster
An emergency fund is one of the essential items you need to start the journey of becoming financially secure, paying off debt, and start the ball rolling on getting your money in order. Backed by financial experts like Dave Ramsey, having an emergency fund gives you something to lean on when you have a financialRead More
Why You Should Use the Dave Ramsey Method
Do you ever feel like your finances are out of control? How about smothered by your debt? If so, consider taking a look at the Total Money Makeover program from Dave Ramsey. If you’ve never heard of Dave Ramsey, he’s an awesome financial guru who can help you get your finances on track. Why YouRead More