For many of us who homeschool, summer months don’t necessarily mean a vacation from school work. As some families choose to educate year round instead of a traditional school calendar this method of How to Homeschool on the Road comes in handy. Vacation time is often time for rest and relaxation, but there can be great opportunities to use it for education as well. Taking a few tools with you on your next road trip can help make your trip fun and educational.
How to Homeschool on the Road
Choose an easy to carry tote with an easy to seal lid. There are various inexpensive plastic totes around for this purpose. However, we recommend the under bed storage type since they are flat and easy to store in your trunk while on the road or the smaller individual tubs for just a handful of items.
Take the basics. Paper, pencils, pens, crayons, markers, scissors and glue are always in our tub. Add in a few pieces of construction paper, some stickers, and various envelopes for storing discoveries until we get home. With all of this, we have the makings of a craft project, homemade cards to send home to friends or grandparents, and hours of time occupied while in the car.
Pick 2-3 versatile books. Take one of your kids favorite books to read, one that is new and fun to read, and one that has to do with the destination or what you will be learning while traveling.
Bring a few games. Pick games with larger pieces that are easy to keep track of. Include something everyone can play and possibly a game that your child can play alone. Card games, matching games and bingo are great ways to educate and have fun at the same time.
Don’t forget the coloring books. Even though they aren’t necessarily educational, coloring does come in handy when on the road. You can teach about colors, color combinations, and simple hand-eye coordination.
Check out local libraries along the way. If you will be spending a few days in a specific area, look up their local public library ahead of time and visit for different books. You can also check out their free summer classes or just hang out in the air conditioning for a few hours.
Visit local state legislature. Wherever your destination may be, check out their local state or city legislature to learn about their local laws.
Forget expectations, pack imagination instead. No matter how hard you try to make everything turn out perfectly, something is going to come up to delay or hurt your progress. Forget the
expectations of completing a set number of things along the way. Instead, pack your imagination and willingness to go with the flow.
If year round homeschooling is part of your life, these tips on how to homeschool on the road are sure to come in handy this year. Packing a tub of supplies and surprises will help your kids stay busy while learning and offer you some peace and quiet on the road.
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