Plan Shopping Trips and Prepare Menus
I was chatting with a couple of friends, who I have known for over 5 years, and the subject rolled around for the very first time to dinner plans and grocery shopping. We have shared recipes and cooked for each other numerous times, but we had never discussed how we actually accomplish these tasks before. We have spent the last 5 years discussing trivial things like religion, politics, homeschooling, and the fluctuating stock market and have never had a serious conversation about couponing! I was surprised to find that I have been hanging out with non-clippers. They were even more shocked to find that they have been in the company of an avid couponer, though they admitted that they had long suspected me of being a planner. When I asked them why they never used coupons they said they didn’t have the time to clip, read the sale ads, and make lists. While I sympathize with the time shortage, I am firmly in the camp that doing a little advance planning saves not only money, but a lot of time. I thought I would give you a visual of my highly organized planning session:
I realize that this photo looks more like a before shot in the orgjunkie’s surface/shelf organizing round up. However, this is how I carve out a little time (and space) to plan both my menu and my shopping trips, as well as clip coupons. While the boys gather their art supplies, I inventory the pantry and freezer. I make my meal plans based on what I have on hand and round that out with sale items from my local grocery stores. The boys draw while I plan, and since I am artistically challenged, I use the crayons to make my lists. I also clip the coupons that I print out from (there is a link in my side bar) and comb the store ads looking for an opportunity to combine coupons with a store sale to save extra on my grocery bill. I am usually done with my tasks long before the boys are done with their projects.
See the little hand? That is the reason I use crayons and kiddie scissors. My shopping list is usually in several different colors as Rew and I trade crayons back and forth.
printable coupons says
I love coupons and always use printable coupons and save up to 40 to 60% on my weekly shopping and my favorite coupon site is
Brenda says
Hi, I'm Brenda and I'm a Coupon-aholic! Using coupons has allowed me to purchase so much more for my family and stay on budget!
Alea says
Lisa, I checked out your file system and it looks great! Very organized!
Mom2fur, Your system sounds high tech! I can see myself doing something like that with an expiration warning alert:)Some of our stores have a counter where you can leave coupons that you aren't going to use. So right now I clip them all and donate the ones I can't use.
Struggler, I can't tell you how hard it is for me to remember to use my coupons, especially, when I shop with Rew. I make myself put the ones I am going to use inside my wallet, so that when I open it to pay I can say, "oh, I'm very sorry, but is it too late to give you my coupons?" As long as I haven't paid, the cashiers can easily deduct the coupons.
Struggler says
I'm pretty good at clipping them, just not great at using them. Either I don't take them to the store, or (worse), I buy the product and forget all about handing over the coupon. Doh!
Mom2fur says
When someone tells me they don't have time for couponing,I tell them this: I might spend an hour or more each Sunday on couponing and meal planning. Let's round it to an hour. If I save $30 on groceries that week, that's like making $30 for an hour of work. How many jobs (that you can do with kids around or in front of the TV) pay $30 an hour, LOL?
PS, I don't clip and sort. I keep mine intact in page-protectors in a binder. I have a data base on my computer where I list the coupons that interest me every week. It doesn't take a terribly long time, once you get started, because of course no one uses all the coupons in any circular!
Lisa says
I work outside the home so I usually spend a day or two during my lunch breaks to plan my trips! As far as cutting coupons and sorting them I do that at the kitchen table while my 2 year old plays play-doh and my little baby is napping. I also sometimes to a little bit at night after they are in bed.