If you have been gardening organically, you know how great a compost pile is and how much it comes in handy when giving your plants the best soil. Composting is a bacteria process that helps break down organic matter into nutrient rich soil that you can use. It is essentially a “heated” process. How toRead More
How to Prepare Your Yard for Fall
It is time to start thinking about fall yard care! Taking care of your yard now will not only keep it looking its best until winter hits, but will leave you with less work in the spring. Proper care can also help your plants get a restful winter slumber and come back full of forceRead More
DIY Butterfly Feeder
Do you love having butterflies flock to your yard? If butterflies like to come visit, or if you want to attract more, then a butterfly feeder can do the trick. A butterfly feeder isn’t anything fancy you need to buy; in fact, you can make your own using supplies you already have around the home.Read More
Tips for Pet Proofing Your Garden
It seems as though pets get just as excited about playing in the garden as we do! If you have pets who spend a great deal of time outdoors, you might want to consider their safety and comfort when it comes to planning your garden. With just a few considerations, you can make your garden aRead More
How to Attract Spring Birds
Spring means the arrival of flowers and greenery, but it also means the arrival of spring birds too! One by one they will make their way back to warmer temperatures, and pick right up where they left off. If you want to attract more birds to your yard this spring, take a peek below atRead More
7 Frugal DIY Compost Bin Projects
Spring is almost upon us and one great early gardening and sustainable thing you can start right now is a compost bin. Sure you can buy one, but often times, they can be outside your budget and there are so many ways to create one at home for free or nearly free. A compost binRead More
9 Ways to Use Autumn Yard Debris
When fall hits, you probably know that this often means lots of cleanup that needs to be done to prepare your lawn and garden for the cooler weather. While there are many communities that offer programs to help you get rid of it, why not use some of it to help cut your own costsRead More
DIY Sunflower Bird Feeder from an Upcycled Lamp
I have taken to running to the thrift store at least once a week to see what I can find to repurpose in a new way. There is always something that has potential to become something beautiful, something other than what it was originally intended to be. This summer we have spent much time outdoorsRead More
How to Save Money on Summer Lawn Care
As any homeowner can tell you, lawn care can be a job in itself and often cut into your budget and your time when you would rather be spending it elsewhere. Here are some tips on saving money on lawn care whether it is through a service or you do it yourself. How to SaveRead More
How to Make a Butterfly Puddler
When creating a butterfly garden, the first and most important step is to plant flowers that attract them to your yard. Maybe even include some host plants for the caterpillars to feed on to keep them around in all stages. But that won’t be enough to bring them back time and time again. To have aRead More
How to Save Money at Greenhouses and Gardening Centers
Are you itching to get your garden and landscaping underway? Now is the time of year to get your yard looking its best, which often includes a trip to your local greenhouse or gardening center. This is where you will find all of your planting materials, plants, mulch, and more. There are ways to saveRead More
5 Ways to Care for Bulbs
If you planted bulbs last fall or are sticking some in the ground this spring, you should know that they need a little tender loving care to grow their best. Many people think that bulbs can be tossed in the ground and let go to grow, but the truth is they need a little moreRead More
Gardening With Your Kids
There is something so rewarding and a bit magical about pulling fresh food straight from the ground, washing it off, and biting into the fruits of your labor. Neither adults or children are immune to the lure of digging in the dirt, growing something with your own two hands, or the final preparations that go into yourRead More
How to Get Your Yard Ready for Spring
I can’t tell you how excited I am for Spring to almost be here. Not only am I done with this cold weather, but Spring is a great time to feel productive. One of the things most people do, especially if you garden is get their yards ready for Spring. Even if you don’t planRead More
The Basics of Raising Backyard Chickens
You may ask -Why? Why would I want to have chickens in my backyard? They are completely entertaining. If you have never seen a chicken take a dust bath, or set off after a bug- you are missing out my friend! They provide you with fresh free-range eggs. Fresh eggs are richer, and muchRead More
How to Make Rabbit Repellent
If you need a way to deter rabbits from eating your flowers, try this organic rabbit repellent recipe. It uses garlic and crushed red peppers to repel the rabbits naturally without damaging your plants. If you have had any contact with me in the last three years, you know that I struggle with rabbits. IRead More