If you are looking to improve your finances fast, a no-spend challenge is a great way to start. Here’s how to get through a month without spending money on non-essentials. No spend challenges are becoming a popular trend for those looking to save money and/or get out of debt. A no spend challenge involves spendingRead More
Why You Need a No-Spend Day Every Week
Have you ever considered how many small purchases you make throughout the day? Having a no-spend day every week can help you save money and change your habits. Have you ever considered how much money you spend on a daily basis on simple things like stops at drive-thrus, a soda at the gas station onRead More
8 Bad Habits That Will Keep You Broke
When you got your last paycheck, what did you do? Did you faithfully pay your bills or did you go out and spend the money willy nilly? Will you have money left over when you get your next check or will you scrimp and save until your next payday? If you answered the later toRead More
6 Money Draining Habits You Need to Break
If it always feels like you are broke, it could be that you have small money draining habits that are making you spend money bit by bit. It may not seem like it, but small amounts add up, especially if you are in the habit of doing something that is killing your budget. Even ifRead More