If you are trying to save money, cutting out a few monthly expenses can make a big difference. Here are 12 household expenses you should cut in 2023. Are you drowning in debt? Or perhaps you just want a little extra money to set aside. There are all sorts of reasons to want to makeRead More
9 Reasons Your Budget May Not Be Working
Use this list of reasons your budget may not be working to identify trouble spots and correct them. Anyone with a family knows that the best way to keep your head above water financially is to create a budget. This seems simple enough, but getting good at budgeting takes some practice to get down andRead More
How to Get Out of Debt Using Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps
Have you resolved to get out of debt? Dave Ramesy’s Baby Steps will give you a doable plan to pay off debt and start building a savings. The Total Money Makeover system is set up to help people get their finances back on track. It works by helping you to get on a budget andRead More
How to Save Money at the Pharmacy
Start saving with these easy tips on how to save money at the pharmacy! Being that I manage my own chronic condition and as well as my child’s, I spend a pretty good chunk of time in pharmacies. This has been a good thing for me because I have managed to turn it into somethingRead More
How to Always Pay Bills on Time
If you are tired of incurring late fees on bills, these tips on how to always pay bills on time are for you. For many years I lived in the constant cycle of “stealing from Peter to pay Paul”; that is I was always rearranging my bill paying to pay bills just in time orRead More
3 Reasons to Put a Spending Freeze in Place Right Now
Have you ever done a spending freeze? If you’re not familiar with the term, it means that you go an entire week or month without spending any money on anything that isn’t an absolute necessity. Of course, you pay your bills as needed, but you don’t spend any extra money outside of those items. There areRead More
Resources for Creating a Budget Plan
Resources for Creating a Budget Plan When deciding to live a more frugal life, it can be hard to know where to start. If you think about it, what are some of the reasons you are wanting to live a more frugal life? I bet it has something to do with your budget! So first,Read More
Why You Should Use the Dave Ramsey Method
Do you ever feel like your finances are out of control? How about smothered by your debt? If so, consider taking a look at the Total Money Makeover program from Dave Ramsey. If you’ve never heard of Dave Ramsey, he’s an awesome financial guru who can help you get your finances on track. Why YouRead More