If you are trying to save money, cutting out a few monthly expenses can make a big difference. Here are 12 household expenses you should cut in 2023. Are you drowning in debt? Or perhaps you just want a little extra money to set aside. There are all sorts of reasons to want to makeRead More
9 Reasons Your Budget May Not Be Working
Use this list of reasons your budget may not be working to identify trouble spots and correct them. Anyone with a family knows that the best way to keep your head above water financially is to create a budget. This seems simple enough, but getting good at budgeting takes some practice to get down andRead More
How to Build an Emergency Fund on a Limited Budget
Use these tips on how to build an emergency fund on a limited budget to stash away money for unexpected expenses. Having an emergency fund is important. It is something to rely on in times of trouble so you don’t have to immediately panic or wonder, “What now?” Building an emergency fund can be hardRead More
How to Get Out of Debt Using Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps
Have you resolved to get out of debt? Dave Ramesy’s Baby Steps will give you a doable plan to pay off debt and start building a savings. The Total Money Makeover system is set up to help people get their finances back on track. It works by helping you to get on a budget andRead More
How to Use a Budget Planner and Bill Reminder
As you begin working on paying off debt, you’ll find our Budget Planner and Bill Reminder Printable a great tool that helps you stay on track. I am always a huge fan of making sure that I have multiple methods of staying on track when it comes to paying bills. Being able to stay onRead More
How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
There are some simple things that you can do to stop living paycheck to paycheck. One way we get in a financial rut is by living paycheck to paycheck. Some of this is because the economy is not what it once was and so it can be pretty challenging to try to not live paycheckRead More
How to Clean up Your Finances for Spring
Spring is a great time to clean up your finances as well as your home. Here’s how to clean up your finances for Spring. When it comes to Spring cleaning, most people think of the physical places in their life that need a good cleaning out: the closet, the yard, the garage and your kitchen.Read More
How To Budget (For People Who Hate Budgeting)
Do you hate creating a budget? Here are some tips on how to budget that will help you create a budget that works for you. Budgeting a great way to manage your money, but if you are like many people, the idea of doing it is something you dread and may not be something youRead More
Why You Need a No-Spend Day Every Week
Have you ever considered how many small purchases you make throughout the day? Having a no-spend day every week can help you save money and change your habits. Have you ever considered how much money you spend on a daily basis on simple things like stops at drive-thrus, a soda at the gas station onRead More
How to Always Pay Bills on Time
If you are tired of incurring late fees on bills, these tips on how to always pay bills on time are for you. For many years I lived in the constant cycle of “stealing from Peter to pay Paul”; that is I was always rearranging my bill paying to pay bills just in time orRead More
Habit Changing Ways to Stop Impulse Shopping
You can get your shopping expenses under control with these habiting changing ways to stop impulse shopping. I used to have a have a huge problem with impulse buys. Shopping was one of my favorite ways to de-stress, waste time and spend an afternoon. This led to many impulse buys that I found I didn’tRead More
How to Create a Family Budget that Works
Creating a budget is one of the first things you need to to do when trying to take back control of your finances. Money management all boils down to getting a handle on where your money is going and where it is coming from. The neat thing about budgets is that to view them positivelyRead More
Money-Saving Tips From the Amish Lifestyle
Use these money-saving tips from the Amish lifestyle to inspire you to live a more frugal life. The Amish are known for a couple things; hats, bonnets, horse and buggy and simplicity. It is that simplicity that allows them to live frugally and sustainably. While the Amish are not online telling us about their financialRead More
Budget Planner: How to Get Your Spouse to Budget
Learn How to Get Your Spouse to Budget with these simple tips! They will help you become the family budget planner with compromise and good communication! These tips on How to Get Your Spouse to Budget are a must if you are the one with more money sense. Budgeting is never an easy task onRead More
How To Trick Yourself Into Saving Money
Use these tips for how to trick yourself into saving money to build your savings account. Saving money is very hard to do when you either have a spending habit or a very small budget to work with, or a combination of the two. It doesn’t have to feel painful to put money away. YouRead More
Tips for Getting Debt Under Control
These small changes could make a big difference in getting your debt under control. Getting debt under control is one of the hardest things to do, especially with how easy it is to get yourself IN to debt! If you’ve decided to make forward strides in your debt, keep reading to find useful Tips forRead More
3 Important Steps to Reduce Your Debt
Over half of the nation is in debt. School loans, car loans, medical loans, buying a home, credit card debt, it all surrounds us. But what if there was a way to get out of debt easily? Now don’t get me wrong, this is going to take time no matter how you go about it.Read More
How to Budget Money with 10 Simple Hacks
When it comes to getting finances under control the best tool you have on hand is a good budget. When planning a budget, sometimes you may find yourself feeling a bit lost. That’s ok. With a little work and planning you can succeed at building a great budget for your family. Take a look atRead More
5 Things You Are Forgetting to Include in Your Budget
Can’t figure out why your budget is so off at the end of each month? Little things can throw it off and you aren’t catching them. They may not be monthly expenses and that’s what makes them so hard to catch. Here are the top 5 Things You Are Forgetting to Include in Your Budget and reasonsRead More
Why You Should Use the Dave Ramsey Method
Do you ever feel like your finances are out of control? How about smothered by your debt? If so, consider taking a look at the Total Money Makeover program from Dave Ramsey. If you’ve never heard of Dave Ramsey, he’s an awesome financial guru who can help you get your finances on track. Why YouRead More