Use these Great Depression Era tips to stretch your food budget and save money on groceries. Living frugally is not a new thing even though it seems to be something that is taking off again. During the Great Depression Era, there was no choice but to live as frugally as possible. Families made clothing outRead More
Money Saving Tips from the Depression Era
These money saving tips from the Depression Era can still be used today to help you can save money in practical ways. Most everyone knows that during the Great Depression people had to look for ways to save every penny they could. Some of these ways are hard to apply to today, but many ofRead More
How to Build a Depression Era Pantry
Use these tips on how to build a depression-era pantry to help you weather hard times. A pantry from the depression era might look very different from the one you have in some ways. There were not many pre-packaged foods or quick meals and there wasn’t very much in the way of pre-made snacks for kids,Read More