Use this list of reasons your budget may not be working to identify trouble spots and correct them. Anyone with a family knows that the best way to keep your head above water financially is to create a budget. This seems simple enough, but getting good at budgeting takes some practice to get down andRead More
10 Tips for Staying on a Budget
Here are 10 tips for staying on a budget to help you get your finances under control and start building your personal savings. A budget is a must-have for nearly every family. Knowing how much money you have to spend on each area of your life can help keep balance and help with stress levels.Read More
How to Save Money by Avoiding Common Spending Traps
You will be amazed by how to money you save by following this guide on how to save money by avoiding common spending traps. Every day in our lives, we throw money away. This probably happens to even the most frugal among us. In a quest to save more, I came up with theseRead More
How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
There are some simple things that you can do to stop living paycheck to paycheck. One way we get in a financial rut is by living paycheck to paycheck. Some of this is because the economy is not what it once was and so it can be pretty challenging to try to not live paycheckRead More
How To Budget (For People Who Hate Budgeting)
Do you hate creating a budget? Here are some tips on how to budget that will help you create a budget that works for you. Budgeting a great way to manage your money, but if you are like many people, the idea of doing it is something you dread and may not be something youRead More
How to Get Your Budget Back on Track After Holiday Spending
For most people, the holidays are a very stressful time of year. It seems like the minute summer ends the holidays come at us full steam! We get hit with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Unless you’re rolling in the dough, it’s hard to afford all of these holidays and everything that goes alongRead More