![This Easy Static Electricity Experiment for kids is ideal for a homeschool science lesson! All ages will having fun playing with different materials!](https://premeditatedleftovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Easy-Static-Electricity-Experiment.jpg)
I love these fun science activities to do with kids and this Easy Static Electricity Experiment is one everyone will love doing. Teaching kids at a young age about simple science concepts is a lot easier than you imagine. Just use these tips to create a fun static electricity experiment even the youngest will understand.
Easy Static Electricity Experiment for Kids
Materials Needed:
- paper dots or confetti (You can buy paper dots or use a hole punch to make your own.)
- small plate
- plastic ruler (Look for one that is smooth on the bottom.)
- various materials such as wool, cotton, acrylic and hair
1. Sprinkle a few dots of confetti onto a plate.
2. Rub a ruler back and forth, 10-20 times on the desired material. Be sure to apply firm pressure while you rub it.
3. Hold the ruler above the plate of confetti. Don’t let it touch the plate, hold it just above. Circles will begin to jump from the plate to the ruler.
4. To remove the circles and static electricity, tap the ruler against the table.
5. Repeat with other materials. We found that hair worked the best!
Static Electricity Concept Demonstrated:
Static Electricity Learning Objective:
Some materials are better than other at creating static electricity. Wool is one of the best materials to allow particles to pass to the plastic ruler. Cotton doesn’t pass particles well, therefore they make very little static. Hair is one of the best materials to create static electricity. Tapping the ruler releases the built-up static electricity.
You’ll love this static electricity experiment to teach your younger children a basic science concept easily. Kids of all ages will get a kick out of seeing the reactions among fabrics and hair to create static electricity reactions.
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Thanks to Kari of Craft Create Cook for sharing her project and pictures with us.
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