Get moving on your journey towards savings with these 9 Ways to Save Money for Beginning Savers. You may be surprised by how quickly you build your savings! When you looked at your budget most recently, did you sigh with relief that everything was covered with money to spare or did you haveRead More
7 Genius Ways to Save Money on Gas
With high gas prices these days, everyone needs a few genius ways to save money on gas. Sure, travel season may be winding down, but that doesn’t mean saving money on gas needs to stop. With our daily commuting or just running errands, our vehicles can use up a lot of gas. If you includeRead More
5 Ways to Negotiate Lower Bills
You can negotiate prices on common expenses more often than you think. Check out these 5 ways to negotiate lower bills. Did you know that many bills are negotiable? I happen to live in a world where I believe that most things have a little wiggle room even if it may not seem that way.Read More
3 Reasons to Put a Spending Freeze in Place Right Now
Have you ever done a spending freeze? If you’re not familiar with the term, it means that you go an entire week or month without spending any money on anything that isn’t an absolute necessity. Of course, you pay your bills as needed, but you don’t spend any extra money outside of those items. There areRead More
6 Money Draining Habits You Need to Break
If it always feels like you are broke, it could be that you have small money draining habits that are making you spend money bit by bit. It may not seem like it, but small amounts add up, especially if you are in the habit of doing something that is killing your budget. Even ifRead More
Tips for Saving Money on Nearly Everything
I am a firm believer in the price tag not being the be-all end-all of how much I will pay. I bargain hunt, thrift shop, and haggle my way through most things in my budget because I know that I simply don’t always have to pay the price in front of me and I don’tRead More
50 Ways to Save Christmas Money
Is the panic of having enough money for Christmas gifts starting to set in? Well don’t let it! There are plenty of ways to raise extra cash during the holiday season so you can buy the gifts for everyone on your list. Making some extra holiday money only takes a few minutes per day,Read More
15 Unexpected Ways to Save Money in Your Daily Life
If you’ve been trying to cut your expenses and save money, you might find yourself running out of ideas. Sure, you know to cut out your morning coffee and to dump cable, but what about the other ways that you don’t normally think about? They can be very easy to miss! These 15 Unexpected WaysRead More
3 Habits of Savvy Spenders
When it comes to managing your money, many people talk about the things you can’t spend money on. We are taught that you have to create a budget, stick with it, and not spend a dime or else you are throwing away money. You don’t have to feel like you can’t spend any money, butRead More