I remember my mom filling a large glass jar with water, and several tea bags to sit in the sun. Hours later it would be sweetened with sugar and transferred to the refrigerator making our family’s favorite beverage: sun tea. It was especially refreshing to drink in the hot summer days. Do you have fond memories fromRead More
Vegetable Rice Cups + Tips for Cooking with Kids
My youngest son is a very picky eater. I am always looking for new ways to adapt recipes to make them palatable to him. There is no way he is going to eat a broccoli casserole at this time. However, if I switch the vegetables, increase the rice, decrease the cheese, and cook the casseroleRead More
Easy Sugar Cookies and Butter Cream Frosting
Decorating Sugar Cookies is a traditional holiday activity. Below are tips to make decorating cookies a little easier. Tips for Decorating Sugar Cookies How to Make Colored Sugar: Put plain white sugar in bowls and then add a couple drops of food color to make colored sugar. I also make colored coconut in this manner.Read More